
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Design Process Writing.

Just a couple of weeks ago Ms Tito gave us a interesting task to identify a need or a problem our problem was that know one respected our place (the street) so our class said that we needed some furniture.

Once we found a need, we needed to research for a idea Teari and I wanted to look for shelving we found a really cool idea but then we had to make it original we also had to research attributes. The attributes our class found was Safe? Practical? Creative/Innovative.

After we researched the next step was to Generate Ideas Teari and I had allot of great idea’s but they where not that creative.

Our group had to discover some solution's to fix our problem witch was our shelf was not creative so we looked around our class and got inspired from the literacy wall with the ‘A+’ we had to get the dimensions for our shelf to so we could make our prototype.

In our design I think we could be better by us managing our time better and stay on task. I think next time we get given a project like this I have to manage my time better and stay on task so our project I can strive to succeed.